Leadership Archives - Page 18 of 40 - Ciel HR
#BuildingTomorrow: People practices for the Future

#BuildingTomorrow: People practices for the Future

In the ’90s, organisations considered their workforce as personnel and they worked towards managing their relationship with the workforce so that productivity is maintained and disruptions are avoided. Soon after, the idea started evolving into human relations and...
#BuildingTomorrow: An inclusive workplace

#BuildingTomorrow: An inclusive workplace

All of us have heard comments about the way a colleague dresses up, speaks and goes about one’s daily routine; we have seen how a colleague is side-lined in a discussion, he or she is suggested to take up a role which seems less significant than the current role; the...
#BuildingTomorrow: Productivity through Diversity

#BuildingTomorrow: Productivity through Diversity

Jimmy Carter who served as the 39th President of the United States and won Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 said, “We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.” Diversity...
#BuildingTomorrow: The Future Leaders

#BuildingTomorrow: The Future Leaders

Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” Our world of business is changing fast. Leaders are expected to act quickly and definitively. The old ways of doing things are changing quickly. The...
#BuildingTomorrow: Motivating employees in the new world of work

#BuildingTomorrow: Motivating employees in the new world of work

2020 has been a defining moment in human history, particularly for the world of work. Millions of people are working virtually isolated from their colleagues and many more are working in their usual workplaces but with an unknown fear of catching COVID-19 infection....

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