August 2016 - Ciel HR

Has anything changed in Sales?

Selling is possibly one of the primal instincts that human beings have. We try to influence the other right from the time we are born. It could be crying to get mother’s attention or throwing a feat of anger to touch someone’s feelings or a compelling address that a...

Future of ‘Work’ in India

Needless to say that there is a major change in the world of work in the last decade with the advent of digital technologies. The campaigns of Trump and Sanders for the upcoming US Presidential elections found an anchor in the fact that many workers in the US are...

Comfort Zone or Area of Strength?

There is a school of thought that professes strengthening the strengths to grow in life. And there is another that asks us to get out of the comfort zone of strengths and take action to recover from the weaknesses. The arguments in favour of each school of thought are...

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