September 2016 - Ciel HR

How is automation changing the HR industry?

The last 10 years have paved the way for many discoveries in the tech world that every other sector has been trying its best to leverage on these new tools to find higher impact, up the productivity, transform the work processes. Some of these attempts have led to...

Automation is not a worry for the Job markets!

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data have been making waves. Another important development is the speed of such new technologies is much higher than what it used to be five decades ago. Industrial revolution made a huge shift in the way people lived...

5 ways to deal with overwhelming workload

The heavy workload has become commonplace in today’s world – work as well as home. Since it is inevitable, we have to find ways of dealing with them: Make peace with it! Many times, we feel overwhelmed because we resist and hence, feel the stress. When you are...

Top Interview Blunders

Interviews are important business interactions where a win-win would mean the candidate wanting to work for the prospective employer as much as the prospective employer wanting the candidate to work for them. Such perfect scenario is a rare occurrence, mainly due to a...

At Our Wits End!

Pressure Levels are all time high in work places today. Adverse market conditions, intense competition, demanding clients, disruption, ever changing technology etc are testing the emotional intelligence of corporate mortals every minute. It’s then natural that the...

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