#BuildingTomorrow: Adapting Resilience in our culture
In the 80s, the large companies in the world were IBM, AT&T and the oil companies like Exxon, Shell and Mobil. In 2020, the list of large companies has tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google, Chinese majors like Alibaba and Tencent, Financial...
#BuildingTomorrow: Planning Growth and Expansion
John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America said, “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” We look up to people and enterprises which can create a big impact and hence, stand tall before us. Our world has been changing...
How to do a Pre Employment Background Check
Pre Employment Background Check is the screening of an employee during the hiring process. It is generally done after the candidate clears all the rounds of interviews. Purpose of a pre-employment background check is to ensure that the potential employee is providing...