India is a country of young people. Every year, 10-12 million people are joining the labour pool. Hence for an organisation looking to grow, there is a constant supply of talent. Over time, people grow; they are ambitious and itching to move into the next higher role....
It was the early days of COVID19-induced lockdown in India. In one of the company-wide Zoom calls, one of our bright team managers asked me about my forecast for the Quarter and a timeframe for the normal days of work to resume. As I think about it now, I can feel how...
Many companies in the world have been trying hard to bring in diversity into their workforce and be considered as a strong employer brand. They are bringing in specific KPI (key performance indicator) of leadership behaviours by monitoring D&I (diversity and...
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison Many businesses are back in growth as the COVID19 scare has ebbed away. We need to take a pause to reflect on our past,...
In the 80s, the large companies in the world were IBM, AT&T and the oil companies like Exxon, Shell and Mobil. In 2020, the list of large companies has tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google, Chinese majors like Alibaba and Tencent, Financial...