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#BuildingTomorrow: Managing Performance of Remote Workers

#BuildingTomorrow: Managing Performance of Remote Workers

In the words of famous American author and influencer, Stephen Covey, ” If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm.” The post-COVID world is a new place where some of the...
#BuildingTomorrow: Greening can be a winning strategy

#BuildingTomorrow: Greening can be a winning strategy

You might have heard the saying, “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children” We lost our way! When I was a kid, my parents taught me why I should ask for food only as much I can eat; they told me why I should not waste food; I was...
#BuildingTomorrow: Sustainability is the name of the Game

#BuildingTomorrow: Sustainability is the name of the Game

Most of us think that the future of business is going to be laden with uncertainty and volatility far more intense than what we have witnessed so far. Thus, the business leaders are weaving agility and flexibility into each of their strategic actions. They want...
#BuildingTomorrow: Ascending the Career Ladder

#BuildingTomorrow: Ascending the Career Ladder

Organisations need their employees to deliver better results and improve their impact over time. Employees want to earn more money, win awards, be wanted by their employer and respected by their colleagues and thus, ascend in their career. What can organisations do?...
#BuildingTomorrow: Culture for Performance Excellence

#BuildingTomorrow: Culture for Performance Excellence

About 5 years ago, many leading organisations in the world dropped the bell-curve method of performance appraisal. This was the most significant tool of talent development and an important input to their succession planning process. This was a watershed moment in HR....

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