Aditya Mishra, Author at Ciel HR - Page 5 of 53
Find your Own Success Mantra

Find your Own Success Mantra

We were celebrating success on our annual day and giving away awards to outstanding achievers. Our chairman wanted us to figure out the success mantra of these achievers. Amidst several ideas and comments, one stayed in my mind that the world record for high jump is...
Having the Right Hybrid Onboarding Process

Having the Right Hybrid Onboarding Process

The beginning is the most important part of the work, said Plato, the famous Greek philosopher. Truly said, we have to ensure a solid foundation for anything new. To build a grand structure, we need a robust foundation. Onboarding a new employee is no less of a...
Is Your Culture enabling employees to work from home

Is Your Culture enabling employees to work from home

Socio-culturally, after the pandemic, all of us are looking for greater flexibility and compassion from our employers than ever before. Organisations have been trying hard to come to terms with the new reality of hybrid work; at the same time, they are faced with...
#GetTheBestOutofUs: Collaboration by Design

#GetTheBestOutofUs: Collaboration by Design

Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much!” We live in a time where individualism is on the rise and hence, as a result, a little of our time and effort goes into teamwork or working together for a common goal. Enough research has been...
#GetTheBestOutofUs: Be Proactive to get First-Mover Advantage

#GetTheBestOutofUs: Be Proactive to get First-Mover Advantage

Change what you can and manage what you cannot. This is a timeless piece of wisdom someone has left behind for us. Taking charge Many of us rue what they do not have control over. This mindset does not take us far other than wasting our time and energy. Rather, we...

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