How HR Can Create A Better Working Environment For Artists? - Ciel HR

Create A Better Working Environment For Artists

In the art world, time spent together and rapport is the glue that binds together creatives and the people who work behind the scenes. People will find that the way most art companies operate is very different from the typical corporate setup, which calls for business formality. While the art world’s unconventional standard of operations may encourage creativity to thrive, it may also allow for untoward behaviour to go on in theatres, movie sets, museums, and galleries. Though female artists have evolved and are becoming increasingly vocal as they fight for their rights, sexual harassment and gender inequality in the art world continue to plague India’s women artists. If bullying, sexual harassment, pay issues, and the like occur in prestigious artistic institutions, it’s likely that the same is going on behind the curtains of smaller art organisations. Having a dedicated HR in place in galleries and theatres can help to prevent these problems and create a safer and healthier working environment in the art world.

Use corporate management techniques to ensure job security

In galleries and museums, artists are often praised by collectors for their ability to render lifelike facial features or for creating innovative sculptures using unique techniques, while curators are celebrated for putting together collections that draw in crowds of art enthusiasts . However, they rarely get formal feedback from gallery or museum owners about their work as many art institutions do not have a performance review system in place. HR personnel or consultants may encourage gallery owners to use corporate techniques such as performance reviews and written feedback to reduce feelings of frustration among gallery employees. Moreover, it may help them to feel valued and secure about their job. It may also result in better performance as they’ll be given a general idea on what direction the institution wants to go without stifling their creativity during the process.

Formal complaint procedures should be in place 

Most businesses have formal complaint procedures in place so that employees will know the appropriate steps to take in case they experience bullying or sexual harassment in the workplace. As female artists and gallerists are now becoming increasingly popular and their work becomes more in demand, it’s essential that they are adequately protected from discrimination and harassment so they can continue to make contributions to art and culture. With formal complaint procedures in place in art institutions, those who have experienced harassment of any form in the workplace can expect to see a proper resolution of these issues, and those who have bullied or harassed workers will be held responsible for their actions.

Having a dedicated HR in art institutions can help to create a better, safer, fairer, and more productive working environment for creatives. Whether you’re in front of an audience or working behind the scenes, at the end of the day, feeling supported and protected matters.

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