Employee Wellness: How To Ensure A Company Supports It - Ciel HR

Employee wellness is a crucial element within an organization and not one that should be ignored. Studies show that 25% of employees feel stressed, drained and exhausted after an average day’s work. With proper employee wellness programs in place, a company can ensure the physical and mental well-being of their workforce and assist in overall positive employee health. We’ve compiled a few helpful tips to determine if a company has the right employee wellness strategies in place for you and further help you in your job search.

 What Are The Company’s Values And Culture?

When applying for a new role within a company, it’s important to understand their core values and their overall culture. This can be a major deciding factor when it comes time to accept an offer of employment. Culture comprises the behaviors, goals, working environment and decision-making processes used by employees at all levels. It also encompasses employee wellness programs and how  the company supports related initiatives both internally and externally.

Take time to research a company’s website and social channels, and also analyze recent reviews from current and past employees to gain a deeper perspective on an employer’s culture. Reach out to someone within the organization to dig a little deeper and determine if their professional values match your own. Look for details regarding their employee wellness programs to ensure you’re entering a company that coincides with your personal needs and goals.

Are They Listening To Their Employees?

Up to 89% of HR leaders agree that routine feedback and check-ins are necessary when connecting with their workforce. By supporting employees ideas and input with action, employers are better able to meet their needs inside and outside of the office. To determine if a company listens to their workforce, research recent initiatives the company has implemented in relation to work-life balance or health programs. Do they offer flex-time or remote work? Is there a fitness program designed by and for their employees? Are there benefits in place to meet employees’ needs? All of these are great examples of various wellness programs that can make working for an organization a better fit for you.

Look for signs that leaders within the company diversify their feedback by surveying all levels of the organization. Knowing that the leaders understand the various needs of different roles can ensure you’ll see consistency within the wellness programs as you grow with the company. In your interview, be sure to ask about ways in which feedback and check-ins are conducted and their frequency to get insight into their feedback strategies and processes.

Do They Supply An Employee Assistance Program?

An employee assistance program (EAP) is meant to offer counseling services centered around numerous employee work and home-life needs. These can include, but aren’t limited to, stress management, personal financial concerns, nutrition and health programs and medical care information. An EAP is completely voluntary, but it’s a great option to look out for when applying to a new organization. It’s often included in the employee benefits package, so be sure to inquire about a new employer’s benefits before accepting a role. This information gives a detailed glimpse into the type of support they offer their employees and is a positive factor to consider when deciding to join a company. For more information about employee assistance programs, check out this article to look into their various benefits.

Do They Support Personal Growth And Milestones?

Employee wellness pertains to more than just health and wellness. It also includes support of your personal and professional goals. Depending on what phase you’re at in your own life, you’ll want a role within an organization that offers growth opportunities. These opportunities will allow you to plan and make next steps possible, like buying a new car, saving for retirement, paying outstanding debts and even buying a home.

Recently, there’s been a rise in the demands for employee wellness to encompass financial milestones, with the most prominent being home buying assistance. If you’re in the earlier stages of your career and have outstanding debt or poor credit from ill-paid financial expenses, buying a home may seem out of the question. And although it’s still possible to purchase a home with pre-existing issues such as bad credit, it’s not ideal and may be the deciding factor when accepting a new position. Employers who offer discounted closing costs or partner with real estate brokers to make your search easier allow you to juggle your new role while also hitting this important life milestone.

This is just one example of the more personal wellness benefits employers offer, but this and other benefits are important to consider when planning your career path. Your personal goals should coincide with your career, not be overshadowed. Sit down and make a list of your personal goals and research companies that offer assistance in these areas. This will help narrow down your search and also better prepare you for the future.

Do They Promote Positive Physical And Mental Health Programs?

Balancing your personal health goals with your career is a contributing factor to preventing burnout and stress. Look into employers who offer fitness programs that support a healthy lifestyle both in and out of the workspace. Productivity correlates with feeling physically alert and energized, so inquire about a company’s various fitness programs or challenges and how you can join. Routine physical activity throughout the work day, especially for those tied to a desk from nine to five, can be difficult to work into a busy work day. Look for resources offered by your employer regarding quick exercises, health information or routine breaks you can take in the day to boost your activity. Inquire about or share exercises you can perform right from your workspace for those inevitable busy days.

When it comes to mental health, work-life balance is important, and accommodating employers are the ones to be on the lookout for. Look for a workplace that harnesses work-life balance and incorporates it within their culture, along with comprehensive guidelines into how it’s enforced. Your personal needs pertaining specifically to your mental health should never take a back seat to your career responsibilities. Talk with your new employer about ways to improve their mental health programs if necessary, or research ways they can bring in professionals to further support and help their staff.

Are they the right fit for you?

Determining if a company will support your personal goals along with your professional aspirations is no small feat. Analyzing their employee wellness initiatives can give you a clearer picture of their culture and if it’s the right fit for you. Take the above elements into consideration when conducting your career search, and don’t be afraid to ask your prospective employer questions. It can mean the difference between a fulfilling, supportive role or a stressful work day.

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