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The future of work : Tech or HR?

We keep hearing, technology has changed the face of HR. AI, robotics, data sciences and various kinds of automation are replacing the human worker and making choices on behalf of human beings. As the technology develops further and becomes accessible to all of us,...
How different is hiring for Start-ups?

How different is hiring for Start-ups?

Michale Jordan said, “Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation”. Founders have lived many such moments in their lives. Start-ups bring an idea into life; they combine passion, determination and courage while architecting a platform for the idea to...

Hiring ROI set to become benchmark for Recruitment

CIEL believes, this metric is very important for the roles which are hired in large numbers. Ciel’s Recommended formula: ROI = Impact/Cost Impact is the revenue that is assignable to the efforts of the person over a period of time, the length of which depends upon the...

Do customers care about advertisements?

Billions of advertising money is expended to draw attention of current and potential customers, drive their buying behaviours favourably and develop their loyalty. These days, marketing Gurus have been professing a lot for digital marketing and usage of the...

Taking Risks or Seizing Opportunities?

    By virtue of my occupation of being a Recruiter, I have been fortunate to interact with thousands of individuals who discuss about the possible career options for them. Almost every time they saw the two sides of the coin – one side was risk-ridden and the other...

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