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#BuildingTomorrow: Ascending the Career Ladder

#BuildingTomorrow: Ascending the Career Ladder

Organisations need their employees to deliver better results and improve their impact over time. Employees want to earn more money, win awards, be wanted by their employer and respected by their colleagues and thus, ascend in their career. What can organisations do?...
#BuildingTomorrow: Culture for Performance Excellence

#BuildingTomorrow: Culture for Performance Excellence

About 5 years ago, many leading organisations in the world dropped the bell-curve method of performance appraisal. This was the most significant tool of talent development and an important input to their succession planning process. This was a watershed moment in HR....
#BuildingTomorrow: Transitioning from Studies to Work

#BuildingTomorrow: Transitioning from Studies to Work

COVID19 has shaken the world and reminded the humanity of its vulnerabilities. Life must go on and hence, it is a continual course-correction that each one of us is doing to stay relevant and optimistic of finding a solution to this obstacle. As history has proved...
#BuildingTomorrow: Motivating employees in the new world of work

#BuildingTomorrow: Motivating employees in the new world of work

2020 has been a defining moment in human history, particularly for the world of work. Millions of people are working virtually isolated from their colleagues and many more are working in their usual workplaces but with an unknown fear of catching COVID-19 infection....
#BuildingTomorrow: The future workforce of India

#BuildingTomorrow: The future workforce of India

Among the trillion-dollar economies in the world, India is the fifth-largest ahead of the United Kingdom and France. Majority of our workforce is in agriculture which is low in productivity in its current state of affairs. Hence, our per capita income is low among the...

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