Edward de Bono, the originator of lateral thinking as an idea has said that companies that solely focus on competition will ultimately die and those focused on value creation will thrive. Creating a positive effect for customers Someone buys or takes food to satiate...
It is not rare to hear passionate comments fly across boardrooms and strategy offsites. Organisations and their leaders study the internal and external environments, come up with new ideas and involve their teams in formulating new strategies. Many of them spend...
Someone said wisely, “We do not have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” Drops of water gather in a pitcher to fill it; small savings made each day...
Our world is interesting now with an unforeseen pace of change happening around us. Most of the time, we are at the receiving end and do our best to respond. Smart and wise people anticipate the change, make quick moves and win a large share of the pie. This behaviour...
Water wheels were in use some 2000 years ago and human civilisation made rapid progress in the form of scientific progress. Gas, coal and oil have taken the centre stage until the early 2000s when most of us have accepted global warming as a reality and the need to...