#BuildingTomorrow: Managing Performance of Remote Workers
In the words of famous American author and influencer, Stephen Covey, ” If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm.” The post-COVID world is a new place where some of the...
#BuildingTomorrow: Ascending the Career Ladder
Organisations need their employees to deliver better results and improve their impact over time. Employees want to earn more money, win awards, be wanted by their employer and respected by their colleagues and thus, ascend in their career. What can organisations do?...
#BuildingTomorrow: People practices for the Future
In the ’90s, organisations considered their workforce as personnel and they worked towards managing their relationship with the workforce so that productivity is maintained and disruptions are avoided. Soon after, the idea started evolving into human relations and...