Aditya Mishra, Author at Ciel HR - Page 7 of 12

Rise of Well-informed candidates

Over the last decade, internet has become ubiquitous in recruitment across the globe. Employers and potential employees alike use the internet to meet one another directly or through an agency. In either case, the candidate and the company make a choice based on their...

Are you the Indispensable Employee?

Artificial intelligence, cognitive computing, and automation are redefining jobs and creating uncertainties for various professions. Robots, sensors, computers, internet, cloud computing, and software are going to rule the roost. Several transactional jobs are likely...

How to provide feedback to your team members?

One of the most critical contributions that a leader must make to the team members is to provide feedback. The environment in the team exudes positivism when the feedback is received with openness and is worked upon by the team members. Most organizations and their...

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