admin, Author at Ciel HR - Page 10 of 16

Do customers care about advertisements?

Billions of advertising money is expended to draw attention of current and potential customers, drive their buying behaviours favourably and develop their loyalty. These days, marketing Gurus have been professing a lot for digital marketing and usage of the...

Are you hiring the right talent?

Companies and bosses have been looking for the right talent all the time. War for talent is always intense, especially for services sector; and is immaterial of the state of the economy. Interestingly, there has been loads of research, but there isn’t one silver...

Watch your behaviours – your team copies them!

Absolutely! All the people in the world show some behaviours which are good for the workplace and some aren’t so good. We know, everyone is watched by the peers, subordinates, bosses, customers, vendors and so on. Hence, a leader needs to behave right. This is the...

Taking Risks or Seizing Opportunities?

    By virtue of my occupation of being a Recruiter, I have been fortunate to interact with thousands of individuals who discuss about the possible career options for them. Almost every time they saw the two sides of the coin – one side was risk-ridden and the other...

Move Up to the role of a Manager!

Many people measure success in their work life by their titles and better still, if the title smells of being the boss of a few people. A few years ago in India, it was customary to receive a title that is connected with the word ‘manager’ if one worked a couple of...

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