#BuildingTomorrow: HR for the Future
Post COVID-19, our world is certainly going to be different from what it was in the past. In some aspects, we may go back to our old habits, but in certain areas a new normal is going to set in. Remote working, for example, is certainly going to stay; various...
#BuildingTomorrow: Shape the Future of the Organisation
COVID-19 has shaken our old beliefs and started us on many new paradigms. With social distancing and remote working, many long-established norms for business meetings, decision making and working together are no longer relevant. A new normal is being set in place....
#BuildingTomorrow : The future of Indian IT-BPM sector
IT-BPM industry in India is about 200B USD and employs nearly 4 million people. These figures aren’t impressive when you compare these with say, agriculture and forestry. What is significant about the IT-BPM sector is its share in the world’s outsourcing market...