#BuildingTomorrow: A Reliability Centric Organisation
Ability is important in our quest for success, but dependability is critical. This is common sense and many times leaders lose touch with this fact. Hence, a famous American author and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar had to reiterate this. Simple and critical...
#BuildingTomorrow: How Brands can use NFTs to reshape Digital Consumerism
Our world is going increasingly digital; from shopping and payments to booking appointments, meeting people, consulting a doctor and studying in a school or college, we are using the internet and digital tools. With the arrival of cryptocurrencies and blockchain...
#BuildingTomorrow: Future of Business in a Digital Universe – Metaverse
In the last thirty years, information and communication technologies have developed at an amazingly rapid pace. We started with sending text and making voice calls; now, we express through videos, meet through virtual calls and conferences, play games on consoles and...