Yoga for life |

yoga ciel hr

As we are constantly re-inventing ourselves everyday, the 2nd International Yoga day being celebrated yesterday around the World reminds us how to re-energize ourselves in this busy world.

Our ancestors with their rich knowledge and wisdom devised solutions to a lot of complicated problems. But over the time , we have forgotten many of these practices and the knowledge. This International Yoga Day was an opportunity to re-discover those old traditions and feel the inner strength that our soul possesses.

We are not truly happy until our mind is at peace. Around the world, on this day, people are realizing that they could dedicate a few minutes each day to connect with their body and mind through the practices of Yoga and have a healthy body and sound mind.

Here is an opportunity to remind and encourage our work-group to remain active, stay healthy, keep the mind pure and produce superior results.

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