Leveraging ChatGPT in HR Activities - Ciel HR

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) is one of the latest developments in AI (Artificial Intelligence). Some people believe that GPT is such a disruptive technology that could replace Google. Chat GPT uses NLP (natural language processing) system that is designed to learn human conversation and automate tasks performed by humans. Logically speaking, Chat GPT can reduce the headcount in the HR department. How likely is this?

Scope of automation

Over time, more and more people will use Chat GPT and the NLP system will learn the tenor of the conversations and the language. Repetitive queries can be addressed easily by this chatbot. Right from customer service, employee query resolution, lead generation, ticket booking and handling reservations to interacting with patients on medical issues, recruitment, training and business insights, chatbots can be of great help.

The hiring manager specifies his or her requirements to the HR team. When the requirements are unreasonable, recruiters spend their knowledge of the talent market, time and energy to set the expectations of the line manager around the kind of talent that can be onboarded. Chat GPT when trained, can handle this critical conversation.

Similarly, Chat GPT can create the job description based on the discussion with the hiring manager and the approval received from the appropriate stakeholders. It can easily run queries on the database of the candidates to find suitable matches, reach out to the matching candidates and hold conversations about the opportunity. And the subsequent stages of conversation can be easily handled by the chatbot.

Does this work effectively?

Delivering superior experience to candidates is an important objective of every employer brand that cares for its life in the long term. Candidates have concerns, anxieties and feelings of various kinds that a chatbot cannot understand, let alone work anticipatively. Human capabilities are not easy to be mapped and codified. Hence, it is not possible to code this into an AI system completely.

The differences between good and great can be delivered only when the brand can engage with its stakeholders meaningfully and efficiently. A chatbot is not yet capable of delivering human-like effectiveness. We must appreciate the capabilities and limitations of Chat GPT; accordingly, we must involve it in accomplishing specific tasks that must be chosen carefully.

Must automate with sensitivity

All human beings appreciate interactions where they are treated with respect for who they are.  However, chatbots cannot customise their conversations with enough accuracy. Hence, we have to identify the moments where the interactions are not very complex and demanding. In the name of automation, we cannot deploy chatbots for all tasks in HR.

As AI technology has been evolving and Chat GPT is one of the recent innovations, we have to take benefit of these developments. There are several tasks in recruitment, training, rewards, employee engagement, handling employee information and HR analytics that can be performed effectively by Chat GPT. Compared to normal chatbots, this one has improved capabilities to mimic human conversations and actions; hence, the results are superior. Going forward, we will see further developments and the outcomes can be delivered with greater personalisation and higher effectiveness.

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