December 2019 - Ciel HR

Recruiting in the times of slowdown

Ups and downs are a part of life. They say, if you have none, you’re not alive. Right from the waves in the sea to seasons of the year and experiences in life have crests and troughs. One has to embrace them and make the most of them. Organisations have their own...

Always Checked-in?

Each day we leave our workplace, yet keep on thinking about the events of the day, the  conversations we had, the unfinished agenda, the reactions of people and various such scenarios.  After work hours, we do check our emails, answer messages, make work-related phone...

Captivate your audience

We have seen leaders, performers and speakers who captivate their audience as they deliver a speech. Everyone says ‘wow’ after listening to those words of wisdom, inspiration and imagination.  The members in the audience feel emotionally charged, get transported to a...

HR for the next decade

In 1999, none of us imagined, we would book taxis on Uber and Ola, hotel rooms on Makemytrip, Oyo and Trivago, plan holidays looking at TripAdvisor, decide to watch movies based on reviews on Rotten tomatoes, self-drive cars on Zoomcars, decide on job offers based on...

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