July 2018 - Ciel HR

Leveraging Technology in HR

Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, blockchain, big data analytics are now out in the world and finding applications in day to day work. Speech recognition based assistants like Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant are commonplace now....

Cost of a bad hire

“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.” said Jim Collins. Organizations compete in the marketplace armed with their competitive advantages. Talent is their unique strength that gets built over a long period of time by conscious efforts of the...

How do Recruitment agencies work?

Agencies have two worlds to deal with – companies are looking to hire the best talent and at the same time, job seekers are looking for the best opportunity. They earn their fees from the companies and hence their loyalty and priority lie with the employer...

Choose the Right HR Partner

Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character, said John Wooden, the legendary basketball player and coach. Organizations have to win consistently and hence, they need the talent who demonstrate the same character each day at work. It is not easy to find people with...

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