October 2016 - Ciel HR

How will Home Automation impact the job markets?

Smartphones are ubiquitous today. It is just a matter of time that our homes will become Smart too. Manufacturers in the US markets have already brought out products which can be controlled from the phones. Estimates show that 25-30 crore houses are being used for...

Jobless growth ahead?

As automation picks up in each and every field of work, tasks are getting simplified and a lot of decision trees are getting into action. What happens to the people who used to perform these activities? Nearly two decades ago, customers used to write applications to...

How is Automation impacting Sales and Marketing?

Automation has been the order of the last couple of decades. It has significantly altered the way work is carried out and life is lived. We have been examining how automation alters the job markets and how it impacts various functions in an enterprise. Today, we look...

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