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Do you consider Mental Health at your workplace?

Every responsible employer provides a safe environment for its employees, makes them aware of safe usage of tools and equipment, mandates usage of protective gear and safe work processes. Employees get a few days of paid leaves each year towards sick days, if any. Medium to large employers provide insurance schemes to cover healthcare expenses. […]

You need Job Titles

Over the last few years, we see many organizations shunning job titles and thinkers in support of this move. Do employees not look for job titles? Titles give them an identity in the organization, within and outside. Recruiters often search for potential candidates based on job titles. One might not agree with what recruiters do, […]

Leverage Proactiveness Right

  “I believe that everyone chooses how to approach life. If you’re proactive, you focus on preparing. If you’re reactive, you end up focusing on repairing.” said John C. Maxwell There is enough said and written about proactiveness. We are told in schools and homes to plan and prepare well before an event takes place. […]

What’s next on #MeToo?

Scientist Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States had famously said, “A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body”. Our houses have become homes in the last few weeks with a lot of food and fire for our minds. […]

How often can you deliver exceptional results?

Who doesn’t want to achieve great results and earn the rewards? We all try to do well in whatever we set ourselves on. However, going gets tough and we give up along the way. That is why Thomas A. Edison said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were […]

Going away from Templatised world

“One Size Never Fits all. One Size Fits One. Period”, said Tom Peters. Years ago, almost everything was custom-made, right from clothes, shoes, watches, perfume to food, homes, tools, medicine and education. Artisans, craftsmen, handymen and specialists with specific expertise had to sharpen their saws continuously and take on greater challenges periodically. Their drive towards […]

Excellence in HR starts with Leadership

“We need to internalize this idea of excellence. Not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent”, said Barack Obama. Our lives run at a great speed these days. Be it decision making, implementation of ideas or delivering results. Every task that we carry out is expected to take us a step […]

Top 11 Hacks that can Boost the Productivity of your Employees

  Are you looking for ways and techniques to improve the productivity of your employees? Well, any employee can get you the required results if you follow the right tactics to gain their trust and contribute to their needs as well. It can be intimidating at first to initiate several ways but they lead to […]

5 Ways to Get Your Team Onboard with Time Tracking

Why waste efforts in Performance Appraisal?

“It is no use saying “we are doing our best.” You have to succeed in doing what is necessary”, said Winston Churchill. Organizations operate in a competitive world and often are pitted against others with global players. It is a war and a sport at the same time. They need to do their best each […]

Hire or Acquihire – when and how?

Build or buy is a classic debate leaders engage fiercely in. It is not an easy decision to take because one has to deal with multiple unknowns and more importantly, it is projecting about the future. As our markets are increasingly global, opportunities to acquire a team come before the Board. They wrestle with the […]


Time is precious, the only resource which cannot be preserved nor can be reproduced. Yet, there are people who love the gossip and the grapevine. Water cooler conversations are normal, but there is a limit beyond which all of us understand how painful the gossip king and gossip queen are. They feast on rumors and […]


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