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Globalisation 4.0 : What it means for Talent

The last 10 years after the global financial crisis have been a new era where voices in favour of protecting local industry from non-local companies have grown louder. We see increase in demand to stop migrants from working in the local ecosystem in spite of their competence. We notice spirited arguments against finances from international […]

Does your Company have a Recruiting Culture?

We hear about company culture aiding performance, meritocracy, competitiveness, execution. But, company culture aiding recruitment isn’t talked about much. May be, because recruitment is not yet taken the centre stage as much as the other aspects have! We call it a meritocratic culture when talented people and meritorious performance get recognized. Similarly, it is a […]

Play games to lead the pack

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships”, said Michael Jordan. Organizations have traditionally used loyalty programmes and discount programmes to keep drawing customers back to them and generate repeat sales. More and more of them are discovering the potential of using this practice across various functions in the enterprise. Right from sales, customer […]

How do we build our Employer Brand?

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well” said Jeff Bezos. There is no doubt that an organization aspiring to live long has to build reputation for itself and use the power of this reputation to attract bright minds and keep […]

Humans and Robots at Workplace

In the words of Kage Baker, the famous Science Fiction author, “According to Jewish legend, only the very wisest and very holiest rabbis had the power to make golems, animated servants of clay. Strictly speaking, the golem is not in the same class with Frankenstein’s monster, because the golem is neither alive nor dead. He […]

Who is accountable for what in your organization?

“People know you for what you have done, not for what you plan to do.” CEO is accountable for everything that happens in the organization and bears responsibility of delivering the outcomes. Like anyone else, the top leaders make their own plans, execute them and deliver results which are often at a variance from what […]

HR in 2019

Time passes by : we bid farewell to the past and welcome a new year. This is the time when organizations review their results, assess effectiveness of their programmes and look out for external benchmarks. There may not be a new strategy or new programme just to coincide with the start of a new year, […]

Leadership Essentials : Stay deep-rooted

“A tree stands strong not by its fruits or branches, but by the depth of its roots.” Leaders dream a bright future, set their eyes on a mission along with their teams and direct them to realize the mission day to day. They need to keep winning the confidence of their team members each day […]

Does it make business sense?

Legendary Banker, J P Morgan said, “If you have to ask how much it costs, you can’t afford it.” This is very relevant in the current times when CATMi said that nearly 50% of the ATMs would close down. RBI says, the ATMs and the providers must comply with certain level of technology and financial […]

Is your workplace welcoming enough for the Millennials?

426 Million Indians constitute the largest cohort of Millennials in the world now. They being digital-natives living in the times of globalization, consumerism and individualism have unique behaviours. Some of these behaviours are significantly distinct from those of their senior colleagues and bosses at the workplace. Generation gaps have always been there and they impact […]

Should you leave a job you love?

“Parting is such sweet sorrow”, said William Shakespeare. Indeed, a deep comment! Human beings love certainty; especially when the going is good, why should one think of rocking the boat? However, for each one of us, there is a time to say ‘goodbye’ and say ‘hello’ again. Like a child completes kindergarten school and moves […]

Would you recommend?

Heard of Google Pizza Ambassadors or Developer Advocates? They represent a cross-section of the market that a brand looks to win over. HR folks have a task to attract the top talent and retain them. Marketers and Salespersons have the single-most important agenda to win customers, retain their trust and get their repeat orders. Finance […]


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