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Should employees worry when biggies fight?

Large companies sometimes see great opportunities in the market and get into a hiring spree. They fight with the others to get the talent on board. As goes the old adage, there is a collateral damage when a fight breaks out. What happens when a war for talent takes place? Good news for employees! We […]

Unethical behaviours at work

 Haven’t we seen and heard of people lying, overstating expenses when they went on a business trip, taking credit for others’ work, badmouthing colleagues and others? Stealing, taking shortcuts to work, shouting at others, passing sarcastic comments, being extravagant with actions and words are commonplace in many organizations. Many of us might not consider […]

HR’s role in M&A

  2018 has been a big year for mergers and acquisitions in India. Bloomberg Reports show an investment of USD 100+ Billion and being bigger than 2017. While deals like Vodafone Idea and Walmart Flipkart have been the poster children of 2018, the year 2019 is slated to see USD 100+ Billion. We see several […]

Do you allow your team to make mistakes?

  Richard Branson had famously said, “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.” This is well-said for freshers and beginners who would learn an art or skill by experimenting in a laboratory and sometimes on the job while working as an under-study of an experienced employee. This […]

Aren’t you digital yet?

Over the last 10 years, SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) has revolutionized and disrupted businesses in an unforeseen way. Size of the company, the industry sector it falls into and the markets it operates in do not matter. All of them need to leverage these developments so that they stay relevant. The transformation journey […]

Job shadowing works for you?

Abraham Lincoln said, “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” Organizations want to build an impermeable stone wall around their secret sauce. They want to guard it with zest and zeal. And at the same time, they understand […]

How different is hiring for Start-ups?

Michale Jordan said, “Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation”. Founders have lived many such moments in their lives. Start-ups bring an idea into life; they combine passion, determination and courage while architecting a platform for the idea to blossom. They suffer from a variety of handicaps right from finding the people, finance, […]

Tips for Hiring High-Performing Sales Reps

There is no single solution or one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to successful hiring. Especially when recruiting for sales positions, the search for top talent is a constantly evolving process. In order to build a high-performing team, your organization has to fine tune your recruiting, onboarding and retention strategies. In this article, we’ve presented a […]

Onboarding new employees

We had an open house yesterday. Someone suggested that we should welcome new joiners with a bouquet of flowers. I have seen organizations going to great lengths in conveying warmth to their new employee. Some go beyond bouquets; they organize team lunch, hand over welcome kit, give a bag of goodies, keep the desk ready […]

Do your employees carry good memories?

You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories. Organizations have to ensure that their employees gather pleasant memories at work. Several leaders say that talent availability is a major challenge before them. So, employer brand is to be built and reinforced; undoubtedly one of the most important things that the leaders have […]

What gets you hired?

Steve Jobs said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” Millions of people are looking for new opportunities each day. Reasons behind their quest for a new job are very diverse, however, their objectives have a commonality of securing […]

Recruiting trends in 2019

Barack Obama said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Technological developments are making lives easier in several industry sectors. Tech tools are becoming ubiquitous. Analytics is making […]


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