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Ranting on Social Media

Social media is ubiquitous now. It’s a part of our lives, not a fad any more. The nature of this media is such that a negative news gets amplified fast. Organizations will have to learn to deal with these and leverage this to spread positivism. Need an agile and forward-looking leadership team that plans well and executes rigorously.

Is paternity leave and wellness being neglected in the Indian workplace?

Mother gets the world of attention when a baby is born and assumes a new world of responsibilities. Employer organizations are statutorily required to offer 26 weeks’ of paid maternity leave. What about the young father who is increasingly bearing a fair share of responsibility in rearing the child? As families are increasingly getting nuclear […]

How does social well-being of employees contribute to your business success?

Someone said, “Alone we are smart, together we are brilliant.” Organizations are successful when they deliver outstanding results as a collective. The employees need to have a common understanding of the purpose of the organization, its values and beliefs. While they go about doing their day to day work, make decisions, prioritise their actions, solve […]

Why is a recruitment agency better suited to find the perfect candidate for your business?

Organizations want to get the best talent on board because that’s a competitive advantage hard to replicate by the competition. Do they ask the internal HR team to recruit or get the experts to hire for them?   Get the hiring plan on the table! Many leaders do not have a good visibility of their […]

How do we nurture Diversity in the organization?

Many organizations and their leaders pride in the fact that they value diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity and so on. It is beyond argument that a diverse workforce has a greater chance to think holistically and hence, innovate; be a greater draw for talent than someone who doesn’t have a stated policy around this. But the […]

World is Flat

The metaphor ‘World is Flat’ was made popular by the American journalist and author Thomas L. Friedman in his book ‘The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century’. Here the world was viewed as a level playing field in terms of commerce, wherein all competitors have an equal opportunity. Globalization 1.0, during […]

Deploy AI for HR function

Artificial intelligence (AI) is pretty much here. Though enterprise adoption is still low, it is just a matter of time that they will feel the market pressure. Unless the leaders wake up to this reality and ask their direct reports to adapt to these changes, they will be forced to compete with players who have […]

What to do with Toxic Superstars at work?

Bill Gates said, “The key for us, number one, has always been hiring very smart people. If we weren’t still hiring great people and pushing ahead at full speed, it would be easy to fall behind and become some mediocre company.” “When you have really good people, you don’t have to baby them. By expecting […]

Leveraging Analytics in HR

Apple Computers introduced Macintosh in 1984 as a premium product against a serious and respectable IBM personal computer. Steve Jobs predicted that Apple would sell 50,000 of them in its first 100 days. But, Apple sold 72,000. The marketing manager said later that they would have sold 200,000 of them if they could have built […]

5 Ways to Cut Down Employee Attrition

Employee attrition means the loss of employees either through voluntary retirement, resignation, or when the company itself decides to cross cut. Losing employees every now and then is a normal part of the company’s life cycle. You cannot really force people to keep working in the company if they want to pursue other opportunities. However, […]

Leadership at the Foundation of Company’s Success

Only 60 out of 500 companies in Fortune 500 list of 1955 were in the same list in 2017. Successful companies in an era could not demonstrate the agility to stay the course. They were the best in the world; had the access to the best resources – financial, knowledge, expertise, technology and so on. […]

Augmented Reality (AR) in Human Resources (HR) Function

In the last couple of years, developments in VR (virtual reality) and AR have gone beyond sports and entertainment. Niantic released Pokemon Go in mid-2016 and it became a global phenomenon. Samsung Gear and Google Glasses came out in 2013. Though they have been there for a few years, Pokemon Go demonstrated the real power […]


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