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Equal Pay for Equal Work

  Constitution of India as well as ILO (International Labour Organization) are clear about human dignity and fairness in rewarding workers. In spite of all these provisions, various studies have shown that there is a gender pay gap. Women workers tend to earn less than their men counterparts in many industry sectors. The phenomenon is […]

Evolving Interview Strategies

  Technology has been disrupting a number of things in our day to day lives including each day at work. Cloud technologies, mobility, social platforms, big data and artificial intelligence transformed many activities in HR function of an organization, right from the way talent is attracted, and assessed to the way it is developed and […]

Bridging the Generation Gap at Workplace

  Workplaces have people in their 20’s and 30’s who are led by managers in their late 30’s to 50’s. Given the economic and social changes in the 1990’s, people born in that period grew up in the digital era. Using technology and internet is their second nature. The way they interact among themselves and […]

Expansion of Gig Economy

Companies are looking for increasing flexibility in their staffing plans as revenue cycles are subject to greater volatility. As a result, the demand for temporary staffing is on the rise. Companies are building flexible plans to acquire talent by employing contract workers, freelancers, contingent workers and so on. Recent studies have shown that 150 million […]

Driving Employee Wellness

Health is wealth, goes the old adage. This is true not only for an individual but also for an organization. When the employees are healthy, they do not need leaves due to sickness, the energy and enthusiasm at workplace stays high, engagement levels go up, employees feel good to come to work, customers love the […]

Changes in Customer Engagement

Businesses exist because there is someone out there who believes in them and buys their promises. As technology transforms, it is bound to impact the way a business communicates and engages with the outside world. It was not too long ago that many businesses did not have a website. They relied on yellow pages and […]

Celebrating Women as Leaders

Glass ceiling for women is often talked about. It was used first in 1978 by Marilyn Loden in a panel discussion to explain how women have to overcome many challenges to rise to the top of an organization. It has been forty years and we have had many stellar women leaders not only leading organizations, […]

Making the Hiring Process more personal

Artificial intelligence has made headlines around the world in the last few years. Technological changes has impacted the recruitment process. Machines claim greater efficiency than human recruiters in picking out the best matches from a large database of candidates. Companies have been advertising their vacancies on several platforms – online as well as offline, spreading […]

Care about Candidate Experience

Organizations focus on customer experience and the moment of truth. They invest substantially to deliver superior experience to a customer – prospective as well as existing. It is the employees of the organization who make the difference right from the stage of design to delivery of the product or the service. Attracting the right-fit employees […]

Introvert or Extrovert – it doesn’t matter

Age is just a number

Roger Federer became the first man to win 20 Grand Slams and quoted this old adage. It describes his situation beautifully. Yet there is a paradox here, especially in the world of sports. Age determines a lot about the performance levels because of the physical development of the body, the number of hours one engages […]

5 ways to bring up workplace bullying to your boss

  If you’re an unfortunate victim of workplace bullying – six out of ten people have experienced it, after all – you may be wondering just how to address the situation. Your boss is likely the person with the power to dealing with it – but how to talk about it? Here are five ways to bring […]


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