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3 ways to minimise Offer Declines

Until the early 2000’s, 90% of the offered candidates accepted the offer and joined work. As IT and Outsourcing industry boomed in India, opportunities increased significantly, especially at the junior and mid levels. Naturally, candidates maximized the gains for them. They shopped around looking for the best offer; current employers threw in a few interesting […]

3 ideas for Multi-location Recruiting

Talent acquisition leaders plan recruiting calendars and methods based on what the business leaders need for their teams. This is fun and excitement; regular day at work. This gets a bit tricky when the plan is to hire in large numbers or there is a demand-supply issue. In such situations, recruiters get out of their […]

Hasslefree Onboarding for New Joiners

Organizations hire new people to fill either a new position or a vacant slot. As soon as the new joiner arrives, a payroll record is created and various stakeholders in the organization start their tasks to help the person start his or her work. Everyone is well-intentioned to make sure that the new person gets […]

Handling Employee Queries

This is such a basic topic that nobody talks about it, not even the HR folks! Ask any line manager how easy it is for their team members to find answers when they have a query for the HR team. Employees often do not know who the right person is in the HR team to […]

Should you outsource Recruitment : 3 Questions before you!

You need the best talent on-boarded and retained to fulfill your ambitions. Do you hire them by your own team or get a service provider to do the job? Or you take a combination approach? While it could be safe to go for a combination or hybrid approach, let us have a formula that determines […]

Engaging your Temp Employees : 3 ideas

You have full time employees and at the same time, employees outsourced through a Temp Agency for certain roles. This strategy of combining full-time roles with temp roles is critical for your long-term sustainability. You stay agile to match the peaks and troughs of business demands; exercise the possibility to hire the best among the […]

Get the best of your Recruiting Partner : 3 ideas

Recruiters build organizations. They help companies pick the best and retain the talent longer. They are like the specialist doctors we visit to not only fight an illness but stay healthy. Do the CXOs and HR Directors see the recruiters as specialists who help their organizations with the right nutrition to grow? Help them understand […]

Evaluate your Staffing Partner : 3 point Scorecard

Organizations call a Temp Staffing company when they want employees but not in full-time roles. They may need the talent for a fixed period of time or they may want to try before they offer the full-time role. At times, organizations need certain tasks done but the tasks are transactional in nature and not at […]

Is your Age just a number?

A fifty year old salesman is looking for a change from his current job. He is a graduate and has been selling electrical appliances all his life. He understands the consumer preferences well; knows about the products thoroughly. He is skilled well to make a sale happen and has been meeting his targets. It should […]

Can we create a gender neutral environment at workplaces In India?

There have been debates around glass ceiling for women, inadequate participation of women in the Board rooms, inequality in pay, discrimination against women while recruiting and inadequate social infrastructure to support women at workplaces. These debates have been taking place across the world over the last few decades. The debate continues… We can already experience […]

Speak your mind

We respect people who speak their mind, especially when they do this tactfully. One is able to influence others when one’s ideas are understood and received well. Great leaders are crafty communicators. They do not hesitate to assert their views even if some of these are not the popular choice. How do they do this? […]

Stay away from an over-zealous drive of Gender Diversity

  Earlier this month, James Damore, a Software Engineer in Google’s Mountain View Headquarters wrote a soul-stirring piece on the topic and was fired soon for having crossed the line on stereotyping genders. I believe, Google mishandled the issue badly. But, that’s not the point. The question it raises, “Is gender diversity significant in an […]


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