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There are enough opportunities!

Layoffs in IT industry are inevitable given the technological changes and socio-political changes we are witnessing. 89% of respondents to a survey carried out by CIEL last month corroborate with this. They see this as an irreversible change in the employment markets for the IT industry in India. This may sound depressing, but all is […]

Watch out if you are the boss’s Favorite!

We all know, bosses have their favorites. They are human beings and so do the people who work with them. It is natural that the boss likes and trusts someone more than the others. You become first among equals, the go-to-person for prestigious project, a critical decision or a crisis. You enjoy his proximity and […]

Rise of Well-informed candidates

Over the last decade, internet has become ubiquitous in recruitment across the globe. Employers and potential employees alike use the internet to meet one another directly or through an agency. In either case, the candidate and the company make a choice based on their individual perception and judgement of how well they fit the requirements […]

Are you the Indispensable Employee?

Artificial intelligence, cognitive computing, and automation are redefining jobs and creating uncertainties for various professions. Robots, sensors, computers, internet, cloud computing, and software are going to rule the roost. Several transactional jobs are likely to be performed automatically and human beings carrying out simple and repeatable tasks are likely to lose their jobs. What can […]

How do you know if the new job offer is better than your current job?

Over 4 million people change their jobs each year in India and many more face job interviews. Most of them are anxious and unsure if the new job offer is better than their current jobs. Is there a tool that can help somebody pick the one that scores higher over the other? What do we […]

How to provide feedback to your team members?

One of the most critical contributions that a leader must make to the team members is to provide feedback. The environment in the team exudes positivism when the feedback is received with openness and is worked upon by the team members. Most organizations and their senior leaders like to take pride in the fact that […]

What can you do when your Employer Company is getting acquired?

Often the leaders do not communicate openly about the state of affairs and the developments taking place in the company. The grapevine works overtime to weave stories about various possibilities such as job losses, new roles and the future plans. On the whole, there is a huge loss of productivity in the organization. The confusion […]

How to deal with Power Hungry Colleagues

  Every workplace has a few such people. They are ambitious to climb the ladder fast, step into the shoes of the others, and take liberties to fire from the shoulders of the boss. They get noticed by the senior managers at work and often are considered to be proactive, self-driven and first among the […]

Should you outsource hiring?

Annual Performance Appraisal is Passé

Organizations all over the world believed that performance appraisal promotes competitiveness, objectivity, transparency and fairness. Over the years in the 90’s and the following decade, organizations invested huge amount of energy in this process right from designing the system, training people to implementing it. Each year, this internal process of the organization consumes a huge […]

Do we need the Physical Offices to work?

We see our cities getting crowded and commute time on the rise; office-goers have no option but to brave the high pollution levels and over-stressed infrastructure of our cities. They lose time and compromise on their well-bring. These days, nuclear families have become more prevalent in society, which means, there is an increasing need to […]

Develop your career!

Employees in most workplaces in the world look for a combination of factors from their employers. Some of these expectations are fulfilled to a large extent while some others are ignored by the employers. Training, career development and growth opportunities are some of the areas where employees expect a huge gap between their expectations and […]


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