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Is it worth Crowd-sourcing?

The last five years in our lives have been transformed significantly with the advent of social media, cloud computing and smart phones. Traditionally companies held brainstorming sessions, appointed consultants, conducted site visits, gathered information about the behaviours of competitors, held surveys, asked users of their products and services to draw insights. They converted some of […]

Engaging Millenials at Work

Millenials are the biggest part of the workforce now and this will remain the trend for another decade. Gallup study shows that the millenials are the least engaged with their employers. The attrition rates is higher for them compared to the other categories of employees. And the same trend continues when we compare these against […]

How important is the Agony Aunt or Agony Uncle at your workplace?

Organizations understand group dynamics and the grapevine. It is natural that there is someone in a group who is popular and the ‘go-to person’ when someone is stressed, unsettled or disturbed. Such Agony aunts or uncles are there in every organization. You see them in action when salary hike letters are given, big bosses visit […]

Is your culture helping productivity?

Leaders set the pace and tone in the organisation. The way they live their life at work each day is keenly observed by the employees and the culture gets a shape. Leaders set goals, resolve conflicts, choose methods and directions. Information about these behaviours percolate down the rank and file. Employees conclude what is right […]

Impact of Demonetisation on Job markets in India

The historic move on 8th November by Government of India to tender 86% of the 16 trillion Indian Rupees illegal, has understandably evoked a variety of reactions across the world. While a lot of well-meaning citizens have taken it in their stride to convert their cash into legal denominations, some are angry, some are hopeful […]

How Blended is your Workforce as Gig Economy Rises?

Businesses all over the world have been looking for flexibility and quick outcomes. They are increasingly hiring for specific skills rather than following the traditional methods of hiring a person after a holistic assessment. As a result, the workforce is increasingly diverse today. We see permanent employees who are not only full-time but part-time; contractual […]

Where should you work – A small firm or a Big one?

After having worked in a big firm and then joined a small firm that grew to a large one, I noticed the evolution of a firm and the opportunities that came along the way of this evolution process. By virtue of my job in Recruitment industry and due to personal interest, I have personally spoken […]

How will Home Automation impact the job markets?

Smartphones are ubiquitous today. It is just a matter of time that our homes will become Smart too. Manufacturers in the US markets have already brought out products which can be controlled from the phones. Estimates show that 25-30 crore houses are being used for residential purposes in India now. While a large number of […]

Jobless growth ahead?

As automation picks up in each and every field of work, tasks are getting simplified and a lot of decision trees are getting into action. What happens to the people who used to perform these activities? Nearly two decades ago, customers used to write applications to their banks for change of address; we queued up […]

How is Automation impacting Sales and Marketing?

Automation has been the order of the last couple of decades. It has significantly altered the way work is carried out and life is lived. We have been examining how automation alters the job markets and how it impacts various functions in an enterprise. Today, we look at Sales and Marketing. It has changed a […]

How is automation changing the HR industry?

The last 10 years have paved the way for many discoveries in the tech world that every other sector has been trying its best to leverage on these new tools to find higher impact, up the productivity, transform the work processes. Some of these attempts have led to confusion and disruption while some of these […]

Automation is not a worry for the Job markets!

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data have been making waves. Another important development is the speed of such new technologies is much higher than what it used to be five decades ago. Industrial revolution made a huge shift in the way people lived their lives. Then came the age of computers that disrupted many […]


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