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5 ways to deal with overwhelming workload

The heavy workload has become commonplace in today’s world – work as well as home. Since it is inevitable, we have to find ways of dealing with them: Make peace with it! Many times, we feel overwhelmed because we resist and hence, feel the stress. When you are launching a product, it is natural that […]

Top Interview Blunders

Interviews are important business interactions where a win-win would mean the candidate wanting to work for the prospective employer as much as the prospective employer wanting the candidate to work for them. Such perfect scenario is a rare occurrence, mainly due to a few gaffes from otherwise good candidates. Let’s look at five such blunders […]

At Our Wits End!

Pressure Levels are all time high in work places today. Adverse market conditions, intense competition, demanding clients, disruption, ever changing technology etc are testing the emotional intelligence of corporate mortals every minute. It’s then natural that the fuse burns out and some unfortunate soul bears the brunt of pent up anger. I used to have […]

Arrest candidate dropouts post Offer acceptance. Seriously?

That Candidate who had cleared multiple rounds negotiated hard for offer corrections and accepted to join didn’t turn up on the D-Day, citing a flimsy unfathomable reason- dubbed personal exigency. Congratulations, we have just travelled back in time by 3 Months. Drop-outs post offer acceptance is arguably the most hated Dejavu in Talent Acquisition today. I […]


The Managers, Leaders and Events depicted in this blog is fictional. Any resemblance or similarity to actual events, entities or leaders, whether living or dead, is entirely coincidental No Managers were harmed while writing this blog One of my bosses explained to me his thoughts around the Monkey Management Style v/s Cat Management style- new […]

Not enjoying your work?

Former President, Dr. A P J Kalam said, “Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in the second, more lips are waiting to say that your 1st victory was just luck.” It’s inspiration to keep at it. Great men and women did not want to retire because they were fighters. And […]

More than one boss?

Organizations are flattening and role boundaries are getting blurry. Silos are melting away; overlap in responsibilities is a common phenomenon these days. There are many matrices at play when we think of organization structures. With tools like SMART goals, Project management software and so on, it is very common to see project teams, shared resources […]

Employment scenario post Driver-less Vehicles

Driver-less Cars or Autonomous Cars are going to be a reality in the next decade. What will be its impact on the employment market? 50 million jobs will be lost! The millions of people who earn their livelihood by driving a truck or a taxi or working as delivery person will lose their jobs over […]

Who crafts the values for the Organization?

Tonnes of research have been done and it has been proved beyond doubt that an organization has its own life, identity and personality. It values a few things dear and they define its identity. Who sets these? Do the owner(s) define the values or a group of people along with the owner(s)  define these? What is […]

Has anything changed in Sales?

Selling is possibly one of the primal instincts that human beings have. We try to influence the other right from the time we are born. It could be crying to get mother’s attention or throwing a feat of anger to touch someone’s feelings or a compelling address that a leader makes or a heart-wrenching moment […]

Future of ‘Work’ in India

Needless to say that there is a major change in the world of work in the last decade with the advent of digital technologies. The campaigns of Trump and Sanders for the upcoming US Presidential elections found an anchor in the fact that many workers in the US are already struggling with their employment and […]

Comfort Zone or Area of Strength?

There is a school of thought that professes strengthening the strengths to grow in life. And there is another that asks us to get out of the comfort zone of strengths and take action to recover from the weaknesses. The arguments in favour of each school of thought are compelling. What does one do? I […]


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