Around 13% of companies use personality tests to find the right employees. Ultimately, a good company is only ever as good as it’s employees, as without them, the business won’t be successful. This is why it is imperative that business owners and HR departments work hard to make sure they employ the right people in the right roles. One […]

Manufacturing sector contributes nearly 17% to India’s GDP in FY19. Considering the plans underway, the contribution is likely to grow to 25% by FY25. India’s demographics and the rising levels of income make us a compelling proposition for the manufacturers across the globe. While FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) and global manufacturers are keen to play […]

Someone has said, “Happiness is a direction and not a place.” Truly golden words! Delivering employee experience is a culmination of various things that happen in the lives of employees. Organisations can make an attempt to create a positive experience. As long as they align their efforts harmoniously and consistently, the direction gives a definite […]

According to the McKinsey Report on mobility in India, 40-50% of passenger vehicles will be electric vehicles by 2030. Battery technology has been quickly upgrading; as a result, charging time and battery price are both falling drastically. Moreover, the government has been bringing out favourable policies towards laying the infrastructure for ownership and operation of […]

Shared Services Centres (SSCs) in India employ nearly 0.8 million people across nearly 1400 companies generating nearly 25 Billion USD of revenues. India’s talent pool and cost arbitrage have resulted in an impressive growth of this industry over the last two decades. Over time, many other countries have come up the curve to compete with […]

India has been one of the leading forces in the world in adopting FinTech solutions, way above the world-average as per EY Global FinTech Adoption Index 2019. Yet, digital payments constitute a small part of our B2C spend; an overwhelmingly large part of retail lending and b2b lending isn’t seamlessly digital; credit bureau functions aren’t […]

Despite calls for remote working to become the norm, millions of employees across India will be returning to their workplaces this week. As India begins to ease its lockdown measures, the human resources department of many workplaces will be hard at work drafting up new employee and workplace policies aimed at ensuring the safety of workers in […]

India is the 6th largest producer of chemicals, 14th largest exporter in the world. The industry is fast-growing, slated to be USD 300B by 2025. Exports for the sector has been growing at 15-20% CAGR for the last three years. India particularly does well in production of dyestuff for the textile industry worldwide. Over the […]

Indian Pharma is the largest provider of generic drugs to the world. Half of the vaccines used in the world come from India; 25% of all medicines used in UK come from India. Indian Pharma sector is slated to grow into 100B USD by 2025. COVID-19 has caused some pain to the manufacturing units due […]

Technology in education dates back to the 1980s in India. TV programmes were organised by the UGC (University Grants Commission) and other state governments promoted institutions. Over the last few decades, we have made progress from smart classrooms to virtual live classes, video lessons and e-learning platforms to AI based coaching. To the urban elite, […]

COVID-19 has challenged us to the hilt; we have responded to it in terms of long periods of lockdown, working remotely when possible and maintaining social distance while working with others. We are dealing with several emotions as many are battling hunger, helplessness and frustration. Through the last few weeks, producers could not make the […]

It doesn’t matter if COVID-19 induces a recession or not. It doesn’t matter if the recovery is going to be U-shaped, V-shaped, L-shaped or W-shaped. What we know for certain is, basic human values will continue to hold good, demand and supply situations will prevail, everyone will make progress while some will go farther than […]