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#Lockdown Times: Preparing to drive the business through uncertainties ahead

If you are someone who believes in having no plans, you cannot fail. You will flow with the current and hope to have good times ahead. You will always take actions off the cuff and get them right sometimes. This is acceptable when you are running as a singleton. In the larger businesses, there are […]

#Lockdown Times: Getting back to work

The pandemic has struck hard at all commercial activities. Many businesses are at standstill in terms of their revenue flows and operation, however, they cannot wish away the costs. Business owners have been dipping into their savings and raising debt capital to honour their commitments on essential spends like staff salaries, rentals and subscriptions. However, […]

How to Positively Represent Your Company While Remote

Remote work is an offering that has become more and more available to employees. However, due to this rather unprecedented time, many people in the workforce are finding themselves working from home for the first time. From the mental and emotional challenges we face, to the functionality of our new work environment, there can be […]

#LockdownTimes: Stay Relevant

COVID-19 has challenged every business to demonstrate character and depth; revenue stream are choked, the future is uncertain and employees are deeply concerned about their health and safety. Leaders have to show the courage and conviction in building a vision for their company and communicating the same with all their stakeholders. Unless the employees see […]

#LockdownTimes: How to keep the business wheels running during a crisis?

COVID-19 crisis is unique because it has impacted 195 countries in the world. Businesses are global these days; they have customers and suppliers spread over a large part of the world; their business processes are executed in different parts of the world. For example, a bank in Europe might have its customer service centres in […]

Why Everyone Wins When You Upskill Your Workforce

Around the world, corporate agendas are shifting rapidly to prioritise employee satisfaction and development. Major companies like Amazon and AT&T are investing millions in retraining their workers. No matter your business model, you will benefit from upskilling your workforce. Since the realities of work are constantly changing, so should your employees’ level of education and confidence in their […]

#LockdownTimes – A Gig Economy Challenge

As all establishments are under lockdown, there is no demand of workers. Essential commodities are the only exceptions. We see demand for delivery boys for food, grocery, milk, medicine etc. There is demand for health workers too. This spurt in demand has come up due to two reasons. First, a large part of these people were migrant […]

Motivating Employees During a Crisis

“In a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics”, said John F. Kennedy. Covid19 has pushed humanity against the wall. Many organisation are staring at a decline of 25% to 100% in their revenues. Would their leaders reduce their indirect costs or they […]

How to Land the Ideal Startup Job

Startups can be a thrilling place to work. They are places of growth and innovation, both for the business itself and the people who work there. Startup employees work hard and care about the work you do, making them an ideal work environment for people with passion, creativity, and a strong work ethic. How do […]

No-Sweat Ways to Build a Good Remote Team

While many companies still operate with a 100% physical workforce, this is becoming less and less common. A big reason for this is the growth of remote work. More and more people are working remotely than ever before, and look for this to continue. In fact, a large majority of workers globally are working remotely […]

Remote working is the new future of work

Covid19 has caused widespread disruption in the world of work. Millions have started working from home; and at the same time, employers in certain industry sectors cannot let the work shift to individuals’ homes. Factories, assembly lines, construction sites, theatres, travel and tourism industry, hospitality sector, healthcare, security, maintenance and repair and many such cannot […]

HR Team’s dealing with a Pandemic

There have been many pandemics in the world from cholera, various kinds of flu to plague and HIV/AIDS. Each time a pandemic has struck, it has claimed thousands of lives, disrupted sources of livelihood and caused widespread fear. Naturally, businesses are impacted as a result of such pandemics. What can the HR Team do while […]


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