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Attract Millennials to your workplace

  CIELWorks 2020, a research study on the latest trends in the talent market says, the biggest recruiting challenge faced by companies is talent availability. The largest cohort in the talent market today is the millennials. Hence, each organisation must do its best to attract the millennials towards them. Most senior managers and entrepreneurs of […]

Method behind the talent madness

“There is no great genius without a touch of madness”, said Aristotle. It is very rare to see companies going about their hiring plan without a sweat. A recent study by CIEL HR shows, speed, cost and quality of hire is pretty much on the agenda of boardroom discussion. HR folks may feel good that […]

Doing business in uncertain times

VUCA as a concept has been in use since the early 2000s to describe the situation many businesses started encountering frequently. There were several disruptions due to geopolitical developments, technological advancements and changes in the global economic environment. As a result, we saw the introduction of new products and services, new ways of engaging with […]

Redefining Performance Management in the age of AI

AI has been touching our lives in the form of voice assistants, spam filters, schedulers, parsers, chatbots and many more. We see them in action at our homes, workplaces and the places we visit. We interact with them in order to make our lives easier. Every now and then, we see new launches of AI-powered […]

Digital Technologies That Are Changing Talent Acquisition

Digital technologies are infiltrating many different business sectors. Recruitment and staffing are no exception. As these technologies continue to develop and advance, so will the way recruiters seek out new talent and conduct the hiring process. Whether we are the organisation doing the hiring, or an applicant looking for work, understanding what these technologies are […]

Are we ready for the Jobs in Industry 4.0?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) will disrupt our way of doing things as the previous versions did. Right from the first revolution in the early 19th century to the latest in the early 21st century, each time we see disruptions of several kinds and at the same time, more output with fewer efforts. The disruption […]

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Build a Team of Top Sales People

When it comes to hiring people for the job, the first thing that companies and employers look for are skills, experience and educational background. This is true in any type of setting, and even when you are building a team of salespeople. Sales could be a very daunting department. Most of the time, companies prefer […]

Do investors care about diversity?

Recently Goldman Sachs said that they would not do IPOs for companies whose boards do not have at least one diverse member. Many more banks and investors could follow suit. How deeply they care about it? Do we believe that a company with men and women on its board is more likely to deliver outstanding […]

Engage employees before you do with customers

Every organisation needs customers to buy its products, services or the purpose repeatedly over time. This loyalty leads to advocacy and hence, is critical for the growth of the organisation. We know, some organisations have done this well and thus, have stayed relevant for hundreds of years. There are about three dozen such listed companies […]

What is your mindset?

Ratan Tata said, “None can destroy iron, but its own rust can. Likewise, none can destroy a man, but its own mindset can.” Our actions are guided by our way of thinking and opinions. It is interesting to see people in the same circumstances behave differently. Boss throws a tantrum at the team for missing […]

India Inc. sourcing talent from Tier 2 towns

Every year, India adds 12 million youth to its labour pool. We do not see creation of a comparable number of jobs to absorb these new minds. So, many remain unemployed or under-employed. Nearly 20% of our people who have the minimum qualification of being a graduate do not have a job. Scarcity of employment […]

The ideas we did not learn at our B-school

It was a leisurely lunch meeting with an old colleague who is on an entrepreneurial journey. We chatted about multiple things, market opportunities to organisation design. The discussions were invigorating to say the least. We realised, these on-the-job learnings were contrary to what we learnt in management schools. Strategy and Structure: what comes first? In […]


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