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#BuildingTomorrow: An inclusive workplace

All of us have heard comments about the way a colleague dresses up, speaks and goes about one’s daily routine; we have seen how a colleague is side-lined in a discussion, he or she is suggested to take up a role which seems less significant than the current role; the person is not invited in […]

#BuildingTomorrow: Productivity through Diversity

Jimmy Carter who served as the 39th President of the United States and won Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 said, “We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.” Diversity is a characteristic of the world we live in. All the living organisms […]

#BuildingTomorrow: Future of brand building

Legendary brands have been inspiring marketers for decades. Some of those are more than a hundred years old like Coca-Cola, BMW, 3M and HSBC, while some of them are fairly new like Google, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Netflix and Zoom. There must be a few things being done right by these companies consistently to stay relevant […]

#BuildingTomorrow: The Future Leaders

Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” Our world of business is changing fast. Leaders are expected to act quickly and definitively. The old ways of doing things are changing quickly. The leaders need to acknowledge the change and adapt […]

Fundamental Features of a Small Business Website

In the modern world, businesses need to be able to keep up and deal with the demands of the digital age. One of the most crucial parts of running a modern business is creating your own website that accurately reflects your mission as a company, as well as displaying your products and/or services. While websites […]

5 Quick Ways to Boost the Efficiency of Your Business

There’s always room for improvement in business, and if you can find room for just a little more efficiency, then you can make a big difference. Of course, while there might be plenty of ways to become more efficient, doing so isn’t always that easy, but there are some quick steps you can take. To […]

#BuildingTomorrow: Transitioning from Studies to Work

COVID19 has shaken the world and reminded the humanity of its vulnerabilities. Life must go on and hence, it is a continual course-correction that each one of us is doing to stay relevant and optimistic of finding a solution to this obstacle. As history has proved time and again, this shall pass away. We have […]

Employees vs Contractors: Key HR Moves Business Can Make To Support Both

Despite being faced with many challenges this year, the gig economy is still alive and thriving in India. It is forcing employers to redefine their approach to human resource management. According to a report from PayPal, India contributes 1 in 4 freelancers. As a thriving tech and startup hub, it comes as no surprise that 60 percent of […]

#BuildingTomorrow: Motivating employees in the new world of work

2020 has been a defining moment in human history, particularly for the world of work. Millions of people are working virtually isolated from their colleagues and many more are working in their usual workplaces but with an unknown fear of catching COVID-19 infection. The fear is significant because one in six people in India are […]

#BuildingTomorrow: Industry 5.0 is round the corner

Before the industrial revolution, human skills mattered the most in the world of work. Every product or service was hand-crafted and personalised for each customer or a small group of customers. In the 18th century, humankind started diversifying from agriculture to industrial activities and urbanization started. The inventions around heat engines and electricity started revolutionising […]

How Can HR Teams Promote a Culture of Sustainability in the Workplace?

Human resources teams play a key role in creating and implementing sustainability strategies for companies, as found in a report entitled Advancing Sustainability: HR’s Role by the Society for Human Resource Management. Rather than simply being a ‘feel-good’ or fashionable habit to pursue in offices, sustainability should be part of a company’s strategic framework. HR professionals can play […]

What Does it Take to Be a Video Game Manager?

Recent reports show that the gaming industry will reach a revenue of $159.3 billion this year. That’s almost three times the worth of the global entertainment industry and about eight times what the music industry makes. It is a lucrative business that will keep on growing in the years to come. Whether you’re a gaming […]


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