The concept of the workplace has been transforming as the socio-economic conditions in the respective societies have been changing. There was a time when most workplaces used to be small and brought together people from similar backgrounds of society. Most people learnt skills based on the occupations of their forefathers and accordingly followed the footsteps […]

We realised that our world is very different from what we used to know before the pandemic hit us in early 2020. Despite several advances in science and technology, the virus couldn’t be prevented, even after its onset, we couldn’t tackle it; doctors and the entire medical fraternity have been experimenting for the last many […]

Employers worldwide are feeling ready to bring employees back to the office, with three in four workers stating that they will not continue to work remotely after the lockdown period ends. Many employees may feel under pressure to return to the normal ways of working pre-pandemic, and employers have a responsibility to address any stress at work felt by staff […]

We live in a dynamic world – social structures are fast-evolving, technological advancements have been transforming our habits and lifestyle faster than ever before and our ambitions continue to remain high. The pandemic taught us several lessons and dismantled some of our assumptions and beliefs such as the feasibility and effectiveness of remote working, the […]

Finding a job in this economy is extremely difficult. Due to the pandemic, it’s been estimated that more than 7 million have lost their jobs. While many individuals find it easier to find jobs online through online portals such as LinkedIn, Naukri.com, etc. there are those who place their trust in recruitment or placement agencies […]

In ancient times, people used various artefacts of value as currency. Possibly the most ancient method was to use cattle as a form of currency because they were the most valuable for humankind. Then people used stone rings, precious metals and leather before coins were formally introduced. And of course, then came the paper notes […]

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”, said Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. Success is not the result of luck or a matter of chance. It is a lot of hard work and harmonious functioning of many things that lead […]

Worldwide, economies rely on their MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) for job creation and keeping the large enterprises going. India is no exception: MSMEs generate ~30% of India’s GDP, 50% of exports and employment of ~120 million people, the second-largest sector as a source of livelihood for Indians. As India plans to become a […]

Someone said these golden words, “The value of life is not in the length of days, but in the use, we make of them.” This not only holds good for a human being but also an organisation. We see organisations in India that have been around for more than a century: Tatas, Britannia, ITC, Bennett, […]

Barack Obama said, “Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins. And it’s up to you to make that happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world.” One can question the last bit – whether it is a quality that is inherited or […]

India aspires to be a 5 Trillion USD economy in 2025, not too far away. We have more than 1.2 million companies active in India contributing to India’s GDP. We need all of them to grow and stay profitable. Over the last 30 years, India has had a growth trajectory fuelled by the consumption of […]

Our world of work after the pandemic is very different from what we knew earlier. Companies have started leveraging technology at a break-neck speed. Due to remote working, employees work away from the workplace cocooned in their work environments. We have all witnessed frauds and unethical practices all over the world despite people working together […]