Victories aren’t accidents. Leaders create them by injecting deliberate practice day in and day out. Most often the leaders have the right intent and complete knowledge of the right practices. However, they fail to put them into practice. It is easy to imagine and still easier to preach that the leaders must drive their teams […]

It is not easy, sometimes impossible for organisations and their leaders to find candidates matching the benchmarks on all parameters they seek. This is one of the critical reasons why organisations cannot grow as fast as they desire or end up making decisions they repent later. Most leaders in the world understand this, yet they […]

Over the last few decades, we see the participation of women in the workforce has significantly risen and has gained acceptance in most parts of the world. We see this phenomenon having permeated across industry sectors including the combat forces. However, challenges continue to galore; organisations continue to exhibit their inhibitions and reservations in attracting, […]

The wings of transformation are born out of patience and struggle. History shows us that the world of work has changed significantly after major events such as pandemics and wars. In the 14th century, the virus made large parts of Europe desolate killing millions of people. The nobles who survived the virus were faced with […]

Tom Preston-Werner, Co-Founder of Github describes start-ups beautifully, “Bootstrapping is a way to do something about the problems you have without letting someone else give you the permissions to do them.” Start-ups are about speed, passion, ambition and resolve to find a solution to a problem that does not have either a good solution or […]

Companies need to hold multiple events, so they can keep the employees motivated while contacting them as needed. However, your company may want to plan virtual events, so you can encourage more people to attend while also making the events more convenient. This means you need to identify multiple ways you can improve virtual events […]

Many leaders believe in the adage that hiring and developing people is the most important thing for a business; more important than the strategies for the business. Needless to mention that an organisation that can attract and retain the right talent can generate higher efficiency than its peers. Many external and internal parameters need to […]

Elon Musk says, “Talent is extremely important. A team that has the best individual player often wins. But, then there is a multiplier impact when the players work together and follow a well-understood strategy.” SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) are the lifeblood of the Indian economy – we have nearly 60 million of them. Their […]

“In a time of rapid change, standing still is the most dangerous course of action,” so says motivational speaker and self-development author Bryan Tracy. The pandemic has made one thing clear to everyone, including HR practitioners everywhere: we need to change if we are to survive. Regardless of whether the Covid virus will become endemic […]

How often have we seen a top leader comes across an idea while reading a book or attending a conference and falls in love with it? We see a flurry of activities starting with the launch of a new programme, budgets for it and a special project team for it. Pilots are launched, results are […]

Days in our life seem like a storm; we wish that a day passes without hurting us and we are able to grab the opportunities the storm brings along. Our preparations to face a new day often become inadequate and many a time we are left surprised grappling with the uncertainties. A competitor comes up […]

In our uncertain and dynamic world, every now and then, methods acclaimed to be modern and efficient are being challenged; tectonic changes are taking place around us. Rugs under our feet are being pulled off frequently. New possibilities are staring at us. The only way to progress is to recognise these changes and be agile […]